
Thank you for your support!

Your support helps us to plant the right trees in the right places. You are helping us maximize all the benefits trees bring: carbon capture and storage; increased biodiversity; cleaner air and water; more green-sector jobs; reduced community risks to natural disasters such as flooding; cooler communities; and better health and well-being for Canadians for generations to come. 

A Verified Impact

A recent report from Veritas Foundation’s Charity Ratings Reviews revealed that Trees for Life earned a 5 out of 5-star rating for its results and effectiveness, and for every $1 donated to Trees for Life, there is $3.87 in value created! This result exceeds the average return range for all Charities of $2.00-$2.25.

Veritas’ third-party validation supports what our donors already know - that Trees for Life is maximizing their donations and amplifying their positive impact.