Helping you celebrate, memorialize and thank the people that matter most by planting living legacies in their honour.
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What are Hero Trees?
Continuing the Highway of Heroes tradition of creating living legacies, Trees for Life is proud to plant trees that pay tribute to the heroes who protect and enrich our lives. These heroes may include first responders, front-line and healthcare workers, neighbours, coaches, the military and loved ones. A hero is in the eye of the beholder!
See below for more information on our Trees for Heroes program and how you can honour your hero by planting a tree in their name.
The right trees in the right place – hardy, native trees, typically 1.5 metres and several years old, will be planted within partner project sites. Plant one or many trees to honour, or in memory of a friend or loved one. Simply select your donation amount, then tell us how you would like to personalize your certificate. (Certificates are provided for donations of $150 or more.)
When you donate, you can choose any or all of the following acknowledgments from Trees for Heroes:
• A personalized digital or sustainably sourced paper certificate sent to you or your honouree.
• The addition of your honouree’s name to the “TFH Hall of Heroes"
• The option for recognition in our newsletter.
• A charitable tax receipt.
Not only will your gift honour your hero, the trees themselves are heroes, standing tall for generations to come, helping to mitigate climate change by cooling the streets and filtering the air, controlling rain water and providing habitat for wildlife. These trees will also bring nature to the heart of our communities, calm busy minds and help to create a better, more inclusive Canada for our children and grandchildren.

Continuing the Highway of Heroes tradition of creating living legacies, Trees for Life is proud to support the planting of trees that pay tribute to ALL the heroes who improve our communities and our country. These heroes may include first responders, front-line and healthcare workers, the military, teachers, loved ones, and others. A hero is in the eye of the beholder!
Trees for Life has launched a new campaign to plant 1 million more Trees for Heroes by the end of 2028. In the early stages, much of our focus will be on honouring healthcare heroes.
Hero Forests – Living Tributes in Communities Across Canada
Trees for Health
Supported by Trees for Life’s, Trees for Heroes program, Trees for Health is a coalition of passionate organizations partnering with health facilities, municipalities, and conservation authorities to plant trees in honour of health workers.
Health workers are doing everything they can to keep us healthy.
Let's return the favour by increasing green spaces where they work.