A tribute to our Heroes
Dr. Lem is a B.C.-based family physician and climate advocate. She is also the Director of PaRx, a program she founded in 2020. Launched through the B.C. Parks Foundation, PaRx encourages healthcare providers to prescribe time in nature to improve patient health.
Jal’s sister, Kelley, didn’t think planting one tree was significant enough to honour a milestone birthday, so she set a goal of raising $5000 with the hope of planting 50 trees in honour of Jalynn.
Both Harold & Elaine Turner volunteered to serve in the war, but for different reasons, they were not accepted. Instead they served the war effort by working at the Cominco Smelter in Trail, BC. during those years. The family has honoured their memories and their contribution to the war, albeit here in Canada, through the sharing of their story and the planting of two trees.
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Sergeant is the President of Trees for Hamilton, and the co-founder of PEACH Health Ontario (Partnerships for Environmental Action by Clinicians and Communities for Hospitals/Health care Facilities).
One of James (Jim) Arnal’s favorite mottos was Carpe Diem, Latin for ‘seize the day.’ He had a natural zest for life and had done more and seen more than most people in his 25 years.
Share your Hero’s story with us
We’d love to hear about the heroes in your life, however you define them. Please use the form below if you would like to share your Hero’s story for publication with Trees for Life.